Raids and Arrests in the North
Thu 20 Jun 2024 - 12:22

“Lebanon Debate”

Amid the security chaos currently unfolding in Tripoli and the efforts exerted by security forces to curb this alarming phenomenon, a significant operation was carried out.

According to “Lebanon Debate” sources, a sizable unit of the Lebanese army, in cooperation with an intelligence force, conducted a raid on Thursday morning in various neighborhoods of the city.

This operation resulted in the arrest of three individuals.

The sources specified that two of the arrested individuals, H.H. and A.R.R., are from the Shalfa, Abou Samra region. Additionally, a third individual identified as M.T. from the Beraniyeh neighborhood was also arrested.

Furthermore, all three detainees have arrest warrants related to security issues, including incidents of shooting and stabbing.

Accordingly, the detainees were taken into custody and handed over to the appropriate judiciary to initiate necessary legal proceedings against them

The sources affirmed that these types of security operations will continue in order to apprehend all other wanted individuals involved in recurring security incidents within the neighborhoods and camps of Tripoli, aiming to restore peace and stability to the city.

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