Panic and Fear in Akkar
Thu 20 Jun 2024 - 13:32

“Lebanon Debate”

A significant clash occurred yesterday at the junction of Berkail town in Akkar, where gunfire erupted and roads were blocked due to longstanding disputes between three families.

According to "Lebanon Debate” sources, the clash involved the Al Sobeih family from the Arab clan, and the Al Taleb and Akouma families from the Fnaydek clan, escalating into a shooting incident that left three people injured.

The wounded individuals were transported to the government hospital and reported to be in stable condition, as their injuries were confined to their feet.

Stray bullets caused panic and chaos among citizens, resulting in significant property damage, but fortunately, no further injuries occurred due to divine intervention.

In response, residents of the area urgently appealed to the Lebanese army to intervene, enhance security measures, apprehend all fleeing assailants, and take decisive action against them upon arrest.

The sources revealed that Army units have commenced investigations and are actively pursuing the shooters.

Local authorities promptly intervened with the 3 families involved in the dispute to prevent further escalation between them and avert potential bloodshed.

هلعٌ وخوف وسقوط جرحى في عكار... إليكم التفاصيل!
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