Geagea Bets on War, so why Rush the Presidential File?
Thu 20 Jun 2024 - 16:43

“Lebanon Debate”

The words of the former MP Ghazi al-Aridi following his time at Ain el-Tineh caught the Lebanese’s attention. Many considered his statement an initiative from the Progressive Socialist Party (PSP) to address the presidential file.

A well-informed source confirmed to Lebanon Debate that Aridi did not “mourn” the initiative but rather acknowledged that the party did not achieve any results because of a political obstacle, namely the “Lebanese Forces” (LF). Despite the setback, the party will not stop its efforts.

The source affirmed the PSP's commitment to its initiative, highlighting that it was the first party to take action before the presidential vacuum on August 11, 2022. Aridi underscored the need for continued communication among all parties to achieve their shared objectives, given that they have no other choice.

Regarding the LF's steadfast opposition to dialogue, the source suggested that Saudi Arabia, as a supporter of the LF leader, should convince him to engage in constructive dialogue and consultations if it actually cared for Lebanon’s well-being.

The source also addressed claims of the "genius of the embassy", asserting regarding the non-interference of Saudi Arabia in Lebanon's internal affairs, yet its actions effectively place Samir Geagea at the forefront of this rejection.

Explaining further, the source indicated that while the PSP is fulfilling its responsibilities, if other parties want to address the presidential file, this is the path they should take. However, reaching a consensus would be hard, especially considering Geagea's sole logic, which consists of waiting for a potential war where Israel attacks both Iran and Hezbollah.

Geagea reportedly conveyed this strategy during recent discussions with a PSP delegation in Maarab. He stated that he anticipates a scenario where Hezbollah and Iran suffer great losses after the upcoming war. Based on the aforementioned and his logic, why would the presidential file be rushed?

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