Bahaa Hariri Thanks Habtoor’s Initiative
Mon 15 Jul 2024 - 15:12

The media office of Sheikh Bahaa Hariri issued the following statement: "Upon a gracious invitation from our dear brother Khalaf Ahmed Al Habtoor, Sheikh Bahaa Rafic Hariri is staying at Al Habtoor Hotel where he continues his meetings and receptions in Beirut."

The statement added, "Khalaf's gesture affirms his commitment and loyalty to the friendship he shared with the late President Rafic Hariri, a bond which Sheikh Bahaa deeply values. The generous invitation reflects the values embodied by him, rooted in his Arab, specifically Emirati, heritage. Such initiatives are not unusual for the sons of the United Arab Emirates, whom we always appreciate and commend for their national stances towards their brothers.

Therefore, we extend our sincere thanks for this kind gesture, along with our best wishes to him, all Emirati officials, and Emirati people for continued brilliance, success, and prosperity."

الحريري يتحدث عن مبادرة طيبة من خلف الحبتور!
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