Crucial Deterrent Stance
Thu 20 Jun 2024 - 15:08

“Lebanon Debate”

Amid escalating tensions on the southern front and the looming threat of broader conflict, Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah's recent speech has reshaped the landscape, described as his strongest since the war began on October 8th.

In this context, Retired General Amine Hatit, considered in an interview with “Lebanon Debate” that developments on the northern front are aimed at establishing a system of deterrent measures based on the principle: "Whoever does not want war must prepare for it."

Hatit attributed Hezbollah's responsive actions to three primary provocations by the Israeli enemy.

Firstly, Israel's threats against Lebanon, followed by their expressed intention to eliminate Rafah within two weeks, and finally, deep operations resulting in the deaths of prominent leaders, accompanied by declarations of ongoing aggression without regard for consequences.

He also added that the response of the resistance also took 3 dimensions. First on the battlefield, as the resistance answered the escalation with another escalation, one rather painful for the enemy after the assassination of Taleb Abdallah (Abu Taleb). Second, the striking video that does not merely capture images but transforms geographic data into actionable military intelligence, which is what terrifies Israel.

The third dimension is Nasrallah's firm stance expressed in his recent speech, affirming Hezbollah's readiness for all eventualities in terms of numbers, weapons, and ammunition.

Hatit concluded that Nasrallah's recent actions, including field responses, the Hodhod operation, and his stance, collectively establish an effective deterrent against Israel. These positions have played a crucial role in preventing a full-scale war, adhering to the rule: “Whoever does not want war must prepare for it.”

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