Government Action is Essential to Resolving Lebanon-Cyprus Tensions
Fri 21 Jun 2024 - 11:03

“Lebanon Debate”

the suspension of visa at the Embassy of Cyprus in Lebanon was only an example of the climate that may prevail in the event of a crisis between the two countries. However, recent developments, including the heightened alert over the past 24 hours and the announcement by the embassy of a new visa system starting next week, indicate that a crisis between Lebanon and Cyprus has not yet materialized.

In this context, Mehiedine El Chehimi, European Commission advisor, analyst and professor, emphasized that the current situation between Lebanon and Cyprus is delicate and requires a nuanced approach to prevent escalating tensions, especially following Hassan Nasrallah's recent threats in his speech.

In an interview with “Lebanon Debate” the analyst mentioned that during the last few hours we saw an acceleration in diplomatic efforts to manage the conflict with minimal damage, emphasizing the importance of understanding the facts and the evolving situation.

Regarding progress on the emerging situation, El Chehimi highlighted positive developments observed daily from both the Cypriot and Lebanese sides.

He also described the European Union's stance’s solidarity with Cyprus as natural, given Cyprus's status as a European Union member.

About the horizons of any solutions, the analyst mentioned diplomatic maneuvers underway to contain the crisis between the two countries, noting no signs of deteriorating relations between Lebanon and Cyprus. However, he stressed that Lebanon must exert significant effort to manage the crisis effectively, especially since European support remains crucial for Lebanon internationally.

El Chehimi concluded by cautioning against risky actions, emphasizing the need for Lebanon to correct its course to avoid further negative consequences.

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