"Lebanon Debate"
Security chaos continues in Tripoli and neighboring regions, where various clashes and incidents persist.
According to "Lebanon Debate" sources, a conflict took place between 2 people and quickly escalated from a verbal altercation to physical violence, including fistfights and eventually gunfire, which resulted in one person being injured.
The exact reasons behind the altercation have not been disclosed, but it appears to be due to previous disputes between the two parties.
The escalation led which led to an armed confrontation, resulted in one person sustaining a gunshot wound to the foot.
The injured individual was transported to the hospital and is reported to be in stable condition, while the shooter fled to an unknown location.
Security forces promptly arrived at the scene and have initiated an investigation to determine the sequence of events and track down the perpetrator.
تضارب وإطلاق نار في مدينة لبنانية... وسقوط جريح!