Dear Lebanese, Tough Days are Ahead
Thu 01 Aug 2024 - 13:57

“Lebanon Debate”

A cautious calm prevails on the southern front following the attack on a residential building in the southern suburbs of Beirut, Dahiyeh, which resulted in the deaths of senior party leader Fouad Chokr and Iranian advisor Milad Bedi, along with five civilian fatalities and 68 injuries.

As the public awaits a statement from the Secretary-General of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, and the potential surprises he might reveal, retired Brigadier General George Nader commented, "Chokr's assassination confirms that Hezbollah’s environment is compromised."

In an interview with Lebanon Debate, Nader emphasized the gravity of Chokr’s assassination in Dahiyeh, a critical target given Nasrallah’s previous threats against Israel. Despite the civilian casualties, Nader believes the primary aim of the attack was military. He suggested that Hezbollah’s response will likely focus on military facilities rather than civilian areas. He noted that this response could provoke further retaliation, given the symbolic significance of the suburb.

Regarding the assassination of Haniyeh in Iran, Nader described it as a severe escalation, pointing out that Israel has achieved unprecedented successes recently. He warned that if both Iran and Hezbollah respond strongly, it could lead to a larger conflict.

Nader concluded by forecasting challenging times ahead for Lebanon, with potential skirmishes and significant targeting expected. He highlighted the immediate mobilization of national forces as evidence of the seriousness of the situation.

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